3rd Trimester

birth plans

I'm going into this with a very open mind and was not even going to make a birth plan to begin with. Then little things started popping up and we've decided to make at least a small, simple one. What are some things do you think are necessary or not necessary on a birth plan? for example, I asked my MW today if I needed to make any comments regarding tearing. She said they know women don't want to tear, so its automatic that they do their best and even before they do an episiotomy (which she said they rarely ever do, only in emergency cases), they would ask the mother first - so basically not to even worry or write down anything regarding that. What are some things you've included in a birth plan? (you don't have to explain why you put it, just looking for examples)

a lot things my hospital already does, such as skin to skin right away, delayed cord clamping, asking dads to cut the cord.. so those kinds of things they said not to really focus on.... more just things during labor, birth, and in the event of a c-section



TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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