Dads & Dads-to-be

Monday First World Problems

It's Monday, we're all a little cranky. I mean, we have to get up out of our warm, soft beds and drive in our cars to our jobs that pay our bills. I mean, our lives are tough. So let's vent about our First World Problems.

(for those not familiar, FWP are minor gripes that are only possible when one has access to clean water, ample food, and sufficient modern medicine).


My wife and I spent too much time on facebook/online gaming and will have to return the DVD we rented from Redbox without watching it.

It rained this weekend the day after I washed the car I own, leaving water spots on it.

The burrito I ate last night was so big, it gave me mild indigestion.

The grocery store by my house can no longer stock one of my favorite beers.


and... GO! 

-My son was born in April 2012. He pretty much rules. -This might be the one place on the internet where it's feasible someone would pretend to be an Adult Man.
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