3rd Trimester

Gallbladder pain

I'm writing this hoping I can save someone else with the pain and suffering of horrific gallbladder pain.

My first pregnancy I went weeks with pain right under my right rib. I attributed it to the baby kicking my ribs. At the same time I had back pain in the exact same spot just in my back which caused me to spend day after day at the chiropractor and nothing helped.

It finally dawned on me that the pain was happening at the same time and it was worse after I ate. That's when I realized it was my gallbladder and my ob sent me for an ultrasound. Sure enough I had tons of gallstones. I wasn't having an attack, so surgery wasn't necessary, I just had to deal with the pain. The pain went away after delivery and hasn't come back, until now. I'm pregnant again.

Not wanting to deal with the pain for weeks again, and hating to take any kind of pain medication when I'm pregnant, I did some research and I found my miracle cure. Apple cider vinegar. I take 1 tablespoon of acv in a glass of apple juice in the morning and again after dinner. And I haven't had any problems. One day I never got around to taking either dose, and the pain came back, so I know its the vinegar that's doing the trick.

I hope this helps someone else. It has made a world of difference for me.

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