3rd Trimester

Baby shower drama - MIL drama

So a week ago I posted about how nobody from my DH side was going to be able to make it to the shower and how it bummed me out.  Especially since his mom over the phone made a comment about how if nobody could come from their side she would have to throw something together last minute since I didn't bother to plan anything.

 Well it turns out that I will not have to try to find a date that works with his family last minute and my work schedule.  MIL made a comment at the shower this weekend that has both DH and I fuming.  She told my mom how nice it was that on my side the daughter is having the first grandchild (which apparently is how things are supposed to work).  My DH overheard and asked what she meant.  Her response was that she cannot get excited about the baby because she really wanted her daughter to have her first grandchild and we are stealing that from her.

 I was shocked.  Especially since our family planning is none of her business!  I do not know if his sister has plans for babies any time soon but it is not my business and it really is not mil's either.  So it turns out the reason her side did not want to make the drive down was not so much the length of drive as it was more we are stealing his sister's thunder by having the first grandchild.  

DH is the oldest in his family.  We both have advanced college degrees, good steady jobs and a house.  We are financially stable and are ready to expand our family.  I do not know where his sister stands on wanting kids yet but am shocked to hear from his side of the family that we were supposed to wait until after she had a kid.


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