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Ultimate Physical Fitness Thread

This is where you can come to list your goals and dreams then come back to brag about achieving them or stating your progress. You can list as much or as little detail as you want.

I'll start.

6'1" 165 pounds - Goal: 175 pounds

Bench Press - just started this last month for the first time ever. I can handle 95 pounds for 15 reps ok. I'm still getting used to the motion. Short-term goal is 20 reps at 115. Mid-term goal is anything at 135 and long-term goal is 155 pounds.

I would like to get stronger at everything else also, the bench press is just the easiest thing to measure at the moment.

I'd like to keep running a couple times a week, but my left leg has been acting up. I'd like to figure out how to deal with it and keep running.


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