3rd Trimester

Simon Wesley's Birth Story

For comparison, here's how my first birth experience went down: My water broke at 6:30 AM when I was 38 weeks 5 days. I was induced with pitocin and labored until 7:00 PM and had an epidural. I pushed for almost 4 hours and DS1 was born at 10:53 with a vaccuum assist.

This experience was super different from my first!

I started having contractions around 2 AM on March 6th. They were regular and uncomfortable but fizzled out after about 3 hours. I went back to sleep a little disappointed. When I woke up again around 8 AM I felt okay but around 9 the contractions started again. I started timing them around 10 and they went from 7 to 8 minutes apart to 3 minutes apart over the next couple of hours. They were also very painful, but only every third contraction managed to actually take my breath away. It felt like I was being stabbed in the cervix with a butcher knife.

Around 1:30 PM I told DH that we were going to the hospital. We got there a little after 2 and the nurse checked me and I was 4 cm. I had not even been 1 cm at my appointment two days prior.

The doctor came in and broke my water and started a pitocin drip to see if we could get all my contractions to be strong and not just every third one. After literally 5 minutes on the lowest dose things ramped up and baby dropped a station and was a 1. This was painful even though I already had my epidural. They ended up turning off the pitocin after that.

Things progressed naturally from there and in the space of about 3 hours I went from 5 cm to 10 cm and was ready to push. Baby started to have some problems with his heartrate due to his rapid descent so when I first started pushing they kept turning me. After just a couple minutes the doctor decided he needed to get out so she used the vaccuum to help while I pushed. I ended up pushing for only 9 minutes total and he was out! I could not even believe that that was it after my first took so long.

I ended up with a 1st degree tear but overall I felt great compared to feeling like I had been hit by a truck the first time. Overall it was a much better experience this time.

Anyway, Simon was 8 lbs 7oz, and 21 inches. He was born at 38 weeks 2 days gestation. He's breastfeeding very well and is super strong with big thigh and neck muscles. DS1 is super proud of him and keeps trying to hog him all to himself, LOL. I think my boys are going to get along just fine!
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