August 2013 Moms

What are you doing about daycare?

How long will you take off when the baby is born?  Will you go back to work full-time after?  I almost had a heart attack when I found out how much full time daycare centers for one infant cost in my area ($1400-1500/ mo)!  So, I am considering part time (3 days/ wk) and working from home the other two days.  I already work from home one day a week.  I like the structure that the centers provide and don't think I would trust an in-home person enough.  Are you doing a center, in-home, or a nanny?  How does the price of in-home compare to centers?  Not all of the centers have a part-time option, so it will depend where they have space.  I am on several waiting lists already.  I love the idea of doing part time to save money and spend more time with the baby, but some things I've heard against it are that it will be impossible to get any work done and that it will be hard on the baby to not have the same routine every day.  Thoughts?  Thanks!
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