3rd Trimester

37 Weeks at 2 cm & 50% effaced (Warning TMI) Worried.

Like it says in the title I am 37 Weeks I am Dilated to 2 and 50% effaced as of Monday the 4th. I have been having wrap around contractions all week as well as a crazy crazy amount of Discharge with a yellowish twinge. When I wake up in the morning it looks like a reddish tint on my pantyliner. I read somewhere on here that it could be my mucus plug coming out in pieces and that worries me. I want to keep my little guy in there just a little longer so he can gain a little more weight though he is a tall baby. He is moving around well. I just feel like I am in a bell jar waiting to pop.

This is my second child but because I was gestational with my daughter I was induced and numbed up. I wasn't even dilated when I went into the hospital. My girl was happy where she was. I have no idea what I am looking for or even what this is supposed to feel like. Please help.

On top of all that, did I mention all of our post baby family circle I.E. the arranged sitter for my 2 year old daughter is already taking care of her own niece this week, and our moms are both out of town, as well as the aunt who is taking care of her hubby after his surgery. I am a bit worried about my husband having to miss his sons birth. The stress of thinking I am going to have to deliver alone is nuts.


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