3rd Trimester

DH blunders, let's share, I'll start!!

1.  The other night I finally got comfy in bed when my ankles and shins started intensely itching.  I asked DH to please grab the Cortaid and he is all sweet and gets it for me and even rubs it in!  A minute later, my legs are on fire and I ask him, "You did use the Cortaid, right???"  He gets this sheepish smile and says, "No, I used Icy Hot, aren't they the same???"  OH BOY.  Now he knows they are not the same.  WTH.

 2.  Then, last night, DH insisted I sit on the couch while he got me a snack--I wanted the last of the Ben & Jerry's Smores ice cream (yummm).  He brings it over and I laughed because he gave me a plastic spork--in his defense, who wants to do dishes, so that was cute.  Know what was NOT cute?  Finding ice cream all over the floor this morning in a petrified state because apparently he got my ice cream in the dark--he said he didn't turn on a light. 

 Haha, I do love my husband and how he tries so hard to be helpful :)

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