August 2013 Moms

Grandma To Be...

Hi All,

This is my first baby, and my mom's first grandbaby.. Needless to say she is incredibly excited, as am I... My mom and I get along just fine, but most times she drives me nuts. She's overl clingy and tends to be a drama queen and is definitely a hypochondriac (spelling?)..

We are having a home birth, and I have decided I really only want my husband and the mid-wife there... But my mom lives half a mile away... How do I delicately have that conversation with her, that we wont want to tell anyone I am even in labor until the baby is born. And we want to enoy the first 48 hrs alone with our baby without any visitors... I have a feeling she will take this all very personally.

I'm having a hard enough time telling her I really dont want her at our ultrasound on Tuesday to find out what it is.. Because my cousin just had a baby and she let her mom go.. Im just more private, I dont want a show. I feel like this is important time for my husband and I to build our family. I just dont want to break her spirits too bad, and she's already guilt tripping me about moving out of state the month after the baby comes...


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