August 2013 Moms

Tired of eating..

Might be a stupid vent, but I'm getting so sick of being hungry ALL the time!! Even when I'm stuffed, it only lasts for like an hour (and honestly, it's usually not all that much food to make me stuffed). I eat every 2-3 hrs, and am usually still a little hungry in-between.

Before getting pregnant, I honestly would skip breakfast and even lunch half the time.. and wasn't hungry. I know not the healthiest, but it was how I did it. But as soon as I found out, I ate better (more often), and by the end of the 1st tri, I started being sooo hungry all day long. 

I also DO drink a lot of water too, but nothing seems to help. I just want to go 3 or 4 hours without my stomach yelling at me! :-P

 Okay, end silly vent. :)

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