August 2013 Moms

Paranormal Activity

I figured this may be a fun place to bring this up... and an interesting Friday afternoon discussion...  

I will start by saying I am a pretty skeptical person, that is until 5 years ago when I moved into my current home. 

I am sure my home is haunted in some way.  I dont know by what or who; but at this point with the amount of activity going on its hard to continue to be a skeptic.  I have never felt threatened so whatever it is; I believe is farely harmless.  Just to give you an idea we have had everything from footsteps, things flying off the table, to glass tables shattering (no joke- there was 5 people there to witness it and that sh!t was crazy!)

Most of the activity seems to be when my hubby is home.  He is gone for 20 days a month with work and nothing ever really happens when he is away so that is a little more comforting for me. 

I guess I just wanted to bring this up because I am curious how you ladies feel (if you believe in this sort of thing) and would continue to live there and feel comfortable bringing a baby home or if you would pack up and go??  

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