August 2013 Moms

We're having twin.......

BOYS! Just confirmed with the MFM (3D and higher tech sono).  Both babies growing well and pretty big.  I am measuring 25 weeks although I am only 16w.  Twin moms commonly measure a month ahead, but this is crazy.  It is my second pregnancy.  Pretty miserable already- back pain, side pain and just huge.  M/S finally has passed! Exhausted, but babies are healthy, BP is low and great and so I am very fortunate.  Found out they are di/di for sure, separate sacs, separate placentas (both posterior) and so that's great for twins.  Mat 21 was clear too.  So now just to make it through the rest of this pregnancy!!!
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Michelle- 39, DH 41 Mom to 5yo boy (IVF) Latest pregnancy- IVF #1- ER- 11/30 ET- 3 day, 12/3- 3 8 cell embies Beta- 14dpo- 488 Beta- 18dpo- 2500 7 week U/S 1/4- TWINS! EDD 8/21/13
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