August 2013 Moms

vent- email from boss judging my nutrition

*this became longer than intended-feel free to ignore lol* 

I have two jobs, one of which is completely remote. My boss is in NYC which means I have never met her in person. We have been conversing the last few months about my pregnancy because I had been too sick with HG to fulfill some of my duties.

She suffered with HG with both of her pregnancies so she has been very understanding. She even sent me an email a few weeks ago asking how I was feeling. I mentioned that I was no longer on the zofran pump and surprisingly, I followed a tip I saw in a post on here about treating ms like a hangover. (ie some greasy food, soda, etc.) to be able to eat something-and it worked great!. (I had already told her that I had not been able to eat anything/keep anything down and had lost 13 pounds in a ten day period)

Fast forward to today..She finally responds in an alarmist format by saying how soda is the worst thing I can have and that I shouldn't eat that way because it will ruin my LO's digestion, etc. She said it took her two years to "heal" her son of digestion issues because she didnt eat properly during her pregnancy. She also wanted me to call her to discuss this to inform me of proper nutrition.

Clearly I understand that eating veggies instead of a burger is ideal and that water is better than soda but at the time I was so ill I could not function. I was so annoyed with the email. I plan to ignore it and realize I opened up the conversation by discussing details with her (and I no longer will discuss details) but I figured someone who had been through HG before would understand what its like and not judge/sound an alarm that my LO will be ruined by the occasional coke/girl scout cookie.

vent over!

PS..I ate plenty of healthy AND plenty of junky foods with my first pregnancy and my son is perfectly healthy with no digestion issues!

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