August 2013 Moms

left out/lonely vent

Ok ladies. I am having a really rough time right now. My fiance works full time and im home with the kids every day. I work 2 night a week. I feel like something just isnt right. I feel like my fiance wants nothing to do with me. Im not super moody, but i have my days. The last couple of times we went out, running errands or what not, after he gets off work. And he just gets in the worst mood. And when we are home, he relaxes and plays games. He seems to want to spend more time with his friends. He gets mad at me when im on my phone, but he is playing a game anyways and the kids are playing. Grr, its so frustrating, i just dont know what to do anymore. :/ Any suggestions?

Ps. Sorry for the rambling!!!
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