August 2013 Moms

Will this?

So I'm sure I will be flamed for this so I went ahead and created an AE.

Before I got pregnant I went out every weekend. This baby wasn't planned and quite frankly I don't feel like I was ready to settle down. I've been so stressed lately and I've found myself drinking alcohol to help me. I've read mixed reviews that alcohol, while drank in moderation, won't harm baby.

My DH is appalled and caught me drinking last night. He packed his things and he left. He told me when he caught me drinking the first time if I didn't stop he would leave.

Now he's gone and I'm alone. All I want is an alcoholic beverage. I only do this once in a while so it won't hurt the baby. I've had perfect ultrasounds and check ups my entire pregnancy and I am almost 20 weeks. What do you think? Please be honest.
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