August 2013 Moms

*Update* to Totally Freak Out

So the last couple of days I have this odd feeling like something is wrong with the baby. So called the Dr. and asked to move my Appt from next Thursday to today. I know I'm prob over reacting but I can't shake this feeling. Lucky Dr office said no problem since my pass history. 3:15pm can't get her fast enough! 


Dr appt. went just fine. baby HB is still in 150's. and I'll have my Fetal Echocardiogram sometime this month. (waiting for the hosptial to call me) Then I'll have my A/S on April 1st. Dr was totally understandable about how I have felt. 

Wife to Michael 5/25/02 Mom to Reilly 3/13/03 BFP 12/10/12 Beta 12/12/12: 351 @16 dpo Beta 12/17/12: 2999 @21 dpo Beta 12/20/12: 7539 @24 dpo Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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