August 2013 Moms

Anatomy scan

Went great this morning! The tech and doctor, which wasn't my OB, were kind of stuffy but didnt ruin our time seeing LO. The doc said everything looked good and he'd send a good report to my OB. Definitely a boy which matched out elective at 14weeks and they said the wouldn't recommend changing the due date which is August 8th which shocked me a bit since I was temping and pretty sure I ovulated a week later than the average my doc was going by. Oh we'll I'm glad to see baby growing healthy. He's a stubborn one. Lol got 3d pics but he didnt want to move his arm from blocking his face or turn toward us. Took like 10 minutes. He finally moved : wonderful morning with my hubby, my mom and our little boy. Now to figure out the nursery and pick a name!!
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