August 2013 Moms

Just for fun: Baking Soda test

Sorry if this topic has been covered a zillion times, but anyone out there try the baking soda test to "determine" the sex?  Obviously it's just for fun, but just seeing if anyone has done it.  We did it last night and it fizzled for me.  We find out what we are having in 3 weeks.  So curious!!! 

Here's what you do: Put a little bit of baking soda in the bottom of a disposable cup (we used a tablespoon) and then add a little bit of your urine to it. If it fizzles like a soda pop, it may be a boy. If there?s no fizzle, it may be a girl.

We were wondering if any urine could make it fizzle so we had two men and two women (not pregnant, obviously) try it last night too.  Yes, we were having lots of fun, lol.  None fizzled.  Interesting!  Just a fun experiment while we wait for our real results.  :) 

Happy Thursday, ladies!
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