August 2013 Moms

Question?? Help!!!

I'm 16 weeks and I just a doctor visit on Monday everything was fine! Well last night at work I had this watery discharge, it soaked my panties and my pantssorry TMI. I know everybody says discharge is normal in pregnancy, but this was a lot! I called the doctor I can't get in until tomorrow afternoon! He doesnt think it amontic fluid! Anyone else experienced this before? I don't know if its because I switched jobs at work or what! I work at a car factory and I use to just scan cars has they came down the line! Now I have to drive the cars off the line, the line runs at a certain pace and its usually so busy! I have to drive over these rumble strips in floor and its a pretty ruff surface! I don't know if I was moving around to fast or what, but I can't let the line stop! I was also so busy that I had to hold my pee so i wonder of that was the cause! I feel fine today just mild cramping and alittle discharge this morning! I had the same thing happen back in Jan. I went to the Er and everything was good I just had a UTI, but I've been drinking nothing but water! Please any ideas!
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