August 2013 Moms

MFM Insanity

Sorry. This is long. Ignore if you dont feel like reading a novel

Today was the strangest experience I have had while pregnant. I went to my initial mfm apt at a new center, and was really excited about it.

DH and I go upstairs, and the mfm is across from an re's office. Several women came out of the office, saw all the pregnant bellies, and burst into tears. Who's brilliant idea was it to make the waiting rooms connect? They should be fired.

We ended up sitting in a small group. One lady, named laTiara, kept going off on people for giving babies f'ed up names. Her phrase. Her baby will be Samantha, not the crack name she got.

Another lady was pissed about the wait, and kept saying she wanted to go to mcdonalds and then smoke a blunt. She hates these apts, because there is nothing wrong with her baby measuring small. Baby girl can fit in cuter clothes that way.

I got called back for my nurse check in, where the nurse started screaming at me because I hadn't had a pap since I got pregnant. Uhhh... I don't need one!

I finally see the doc, and find out I dont get an ultrasound after all. Studies show that having multiple ultrasounds can negatively effect your pregnancy.

We scheduled a fetal echo for 24 weeks, and I saw the mfm for less then 10 minutes. We had waited over 4 hours.

How has everyone else's apts been going?
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to be over, it's about learning how to dance in the rain." -Unknown

DS: age 4

DD: age 2

Currently pregnant with our 3rd!

BabyFetus Ticker</P

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