August 2013 Moms

TP Needed

DH has been having a really rough time with him company for several months. He has been transferred to a new location four times in the past two years and has been completely taken advantage of by his boss and basically run ragged. He is our sole income and we have been struggling to maintain our lifestyle. Six months ago we moved from a six bedroom home on 72 acres to a two bedroom home in a crappy run down city that we both hate for the promise of stability. Well... DH went to work today on his day OFF and his boss calls him to say he is being relocated to another state! We are totally unprepared for this! DH was told he starts tomorrow! Um no, assholes, pregnant wife and child at home! DH told them he is taking a week vacation... Please pray that we find a miracle job that will make our lives livable.
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