August 2013 Moms

Can I vent?

I spent the day cooking a nice meal for my family, cleaning obsessively, and watching two toddlers. When DH came home we sat down to eat. Or rather, the toddlers and I did as DH was picking off some plastic that melted on a burner I accidentally turned on. I noticed it right away, although some melted, took care of it, ventilated the house, and left the burner to deal with tomorrow. He stood in the kitchen trying to clean it off the entire time we ate... Or rather, I ate and tried to coax the toddlers to eat. Afterwards I have the kids their bath, put thee Jammies on and they're both asleep now. Before I gave them their baths I asked DH to clean the cat box and he said "okay". So just now he says, "I'm gonna go play a game" and as he gets up I ask him if he cleaned out the box and he said "no" and went and played the game!!! Ugh I feel like unplugging his damn computer.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickersLilypie Maternity tickers
BFP #1: 12/22/10. EDD: 9/4/11. BDay: 8/30/11
BFP #2: 10/16/12. EDD: 6/27/13. Said Goodbye: 10/22/12
BFP #3: 11/20/12. EDD: 8/1/13. STICK BABY STICK!
Betas: 11/30/12 - 2819. 12/2/12 - 7339! Keep growing, baby!

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