August 2013 Moms

NEED to vent about my sense of smell

NEED to vent about my sense of smell...

my husband and friends seem to think im crazy and i think it might be true! Sorry in advance for making my first post a venting post, but i was hoping someone could relate because this pregnancy has made my sense of smell go crazy, not just enhanced but completely incorrect. it started off as simple as foods smelling bad, then my husband purchased a new car and my first day in it, i kept telling him that he needs to get an air freshener ASAP, two seconds later our friends pop into the back seat and say how much they love the smell of new car scent, i was shocked because it smelled like something died in there to me!! the worst of it happened yesterday, every time i opened the fridge i would practically get knocked over by the smell, i thought my husband was just waiting for me to clean out the fridge, so yesterday i gloved up and pretty much threw away the entire contents of the fridge and scrubbed it down. it still smells horrible to me i refuse to open it! my husband came home and said it just smelled like cleaning supplies and my friend who was over said it smelled great in there. i still can barely walk by it without cringing.  im 15 weeks today, i hoping someone further along then me will tell me it will go away soon like MS does!! anyone else hate their nose too???

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