August 2013 Moms

NBR: Dog poop vent

Let me start out by saying that yes, we live in an apartment complex so there are always going to be horrible neighbors. It comes with the territory, I get it. That said, our building is next to a pretty nice sized grassy area. It's where we take our dog out to do his business as do many other neighbors. The problem is that over the last month or two the amount of dog poop being left out has gotten ridiculous! I'm not exaggerating when I say that EVERY time my hubby or I walk outside we step in dog sh*t. Our balcony faces the grassy area and when I'm sitting out there or by the window I can see other dog owners walking by, letting their dogs crap, then walk off. I've gone to the apartment office twice now to tell them about how bad the situation is and to describe the people that I have seen on multiple occasions not pick up after their dogs. The office manager assured me that they would 1- have someone pick up the poop and 2- put a reminder notice on all the dog owners doors. Neither of those things has happened.

We pick up after our dog. It's sanitary, the responsible thing to do, and courteous to the neighbors. One of our neighbors is always laughing when he sees me picking up after our dog because he thinks it's dumb, but whatever. I get that sometimes people may not pick up 100% of the time but these people pick up 0% of the time. And as if it weren't bad enough, our next door neighbor has a puppy that he leaves out on his balcony all day (whole separate issue), then apparently kicks the dog turds over the side of his balcony so they land right by the sidewalk that everyone in our building has to use, not to mention lands on or near the patio of the people below him. Between the piles of crap from his balcony and the hundreds of land mines in the grass, the smell is horrid. I don't know what else to do besides let the office staff know, which has been no help at all. Today I was so fed up with it that I wrote a note and taped it to the bushes by our walkway that said "This is DISGUSTING! Pick up after your dog! No one wants to step in their crap!". It was a much toned down, G-rated version of what I originally wanted to write but there are little kids around.

What I would love to do is find out where all these crap leavers live and deliver bags of poop to all their doorsteps with a note that says "Oh hey, you left these outside.".

 UGH!! Ok, rant over.

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