August 2013 Moms

Getting frustrated!!!

I've been feeling tiny taps and pokes for WEEKS (18w 4d), but they seem to be less frequent now and now I'm not even sure what I'm feeling anymore.  Once or twice a day for the past week or so I'll feel something like a large, insistent gas bubble on my left side that rises up for a moment and then recedes and it feels super weird.  I guess I figured that the taps and pokes I felt would just get harder, so since I'm feeling something totally different now I'm not sure what to think.  This is driving me nuts!  Each time I think I feel something I'll freeze and race to put my hands on my belly and then... nothing.  I get that it's normal to perhaps not feel much/anything yet as a FTM, that early movements can be confused with gas, that early movements are erratic, etc. but holy CRAP.  I never imagined it would be this hard to tell or that I would start to go batsh!t crazy.Stick out tongue

Anyone else?

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