August 2013 Moms

Are we insane??

So my husband is in the Army and currently deployed but will be home soon and we've been talking about moving 4 hours away around oct/nov. But then today he calls and says his boss isn't allowing the move to take place then and our two options are to move end of may/early June or to wait until 2014 sometime probably in the summer. If I were to type his boss' reasons for giving us these two options I'd have to write a whole book so I'm giving you the shortest version possible plus there is stuff I can't write on here due to the nature of his job. Anyway, my husband really thinks moving ASAP is best for his job and for the long run but he was concerned about me having to switch OBs at about 7 months. Obviously I won't be going back to work for a while but when I do, being in this new town will also be better for my career. So I told him if this is what he thinks is best and its what he wants to do ill totally support him and we agreed we'd just move ASAP, so may/June. Are we crazy??? I know it'll be better for our entire family in the long run but has anyone moved far away while 7 months pregnant!!? Another plus is we will be 2 hours away from family instead of 4 hours away. But then ill loose all of my friends too! I'm scared to be a new mom without all of my mommy girlfriends around for advice, etc! I just need someone to tell me it'll all be okay lol I should add his boss wanted an answer ASAP so he told my husband to speak with me about it so we could make a final decision. So it's not like I could have spent a few weeks trying to decide what was best. And the other thing I should add is the position he wants might not be available next year so that's why moving now seemed better for his career.
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