August 2013 Moms

This crazy life

Upon finding out I am pregnant, DH and I started considering resigning from our "jobs" in the Dominican Republic.  We finally decided it is the best choice for SO many reasons, professionaly and personally.  We have let the bosses know, let the communities we work in know, and of course our friends and family back home too.  It is official, we are moving home!!!  Or should I say "home"?  

Dh has been job hunting for over a month with no bites.  I know, I know, this is zero time in the grand scheme of things, but he is on the verge of a freak out.  So when his parents offered him a temporary job with their company, where he worked for 7 years before, we jumped at the opportunity.  BUT he will be living in corporate housing (read:no dogs or babies allowed) in GA, and I will be living in my parents basement in Colorado.  Fail!  Technically, we could rent a short term apartment in GA, but then we wouldn't be saving as much mulla.  It will only be for 3 months and then he will come back to Colorado for another temp assignment.  another three months.  SOOOO right about when baby is due, unless he finds anoter job, he will be unemployed.  And if he does get a job, awesome, but I don't even know in which state this baby is going to be born, let alone what our housing will be like, where I will be working, etc...  

 I know this makes us sound like deadbeats, we're not, I promise.  Two years ago, 6 days before finding out I was pregnant with DD, we sold everything we owned to move down here to work with impovrished communities where we make pennies.  So now we have no savings to stand on while he finds another job.  It rocks.

I am so stoked to be leaving this place in about a month, but not so excited about the months of uncertainty to follow.  Meh... 

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