3rd Trimester

Rhinovirus & False Labor (wow, long sorry)

Apparently I have come down with the rhinovirus even though none of my symptoms match what I found online.

Online: Common cold, head cold, stuffy nose, etc

What I had: vomiting, diarrhea, chills, dehydration


So Monday night I had dinner with my sister. Hamburgers and fries. Go home that night and put my crib together (all by myself! - so proud) and at about 11:30 pm my back was killing me. So I hopped into the bath tub to soak the ache away. About 12:30 am I got out when the water turned cold. I did not even make it the 4 feet to my toilet before I was puking. It covered every square inch of my bathroom as I tried to aim for the sink/toilet without really being able to see.

Completely emptied my stomach. Then of course I was faced with the dilemma of how to clean it up when the smell of it just made me want to puke again. So I turned on the bathroom fan and figured I'd wait a bit until the smell was gone so I could clean it up. (For those wondering why somebody else didn't clean it for me, my DH is deployed so I'm living alone)

I went to lie down for a bit while I waited for the fan to work it's magic and it wasn't 45 minutes before I was back in the bathroom puking again. And then it got even more fun when the force of puking made me need to go to the bathroom and it was just as bad out that end.(sorry TMI)

Knowing that I was going to need to stay hydrated if I was puking and what not I tried to drink small sips of water. That made it worse. Couldn't even hold water down. Called the doctor's office at 3:30 AM asking what to do and they told me to try and wait it out because there was a nasty virus going around. But that if it didn't go away in a few more hours or I wasn't able to hold any liquids down (try ginger ale too they said) then I needed to go to the hospital for IV fluids.

So I made myself a little bed in the hallway outside the bathroom so I was closer and proceeded to practically live in the bathroom all night. At 7:30 am on Tuesday when it wasn't any better and I still couldn't hold liquids down (even eating ice chips was making me puke) I called my sister to take me to the hospital. Turns out, she was in the same boat as me! So I started thinking it was what we ate, but her daughter and BF ate the same stuff and they were fine.

So I called my mother in law instead and she came and took me to the ER. By this point I was also feeling some sharp waves of pain in my lower abdomen. This being my first I had no idea if what I was feeling were contractions or if it was just sore muscles from puking so much. The hospital called my doctor who told me to come there for an exam first before doing anything fluid related.

I got to his office and they did the exam. I had lost 8 lbs and my cervix was still firmly closed. It's soft (whatever that means) but very much closed. And what I was feeling were indeed contractions, but brought on by the dehydration and not real labor so they weren't dilating me. It was at that point they prescribed me something for nausea so that I could get fluids into myself and sent me home to bed. I slept for 7 solid hours after being able to drink about 4 oz of water.

Baby and I are both fine now (still having contractions as I try and rehydrate but they're shorter and farther between now) and I'm risking soup for lunch with some toast. The silver lining in all of this is that while I got to sleep the day away, my Mother in Law decided that after being sick I shouldn't have to worry about housework. I woke up and all my dishes and laundry were done and she had made a bunch of casserole type dishes that she stuck in the freezer for me.


Anybody else ever go through something like this? 

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