August 2013 Moms

Helping host a baby shower (not mine!)

My best friend is pregnant and due 5 weeks after me. We're really excited to be going through this together because we always wanted to have kids close in age.

When she first found out about the pregnancy I spoke to her mom and her sister about helping them host a shower. We haven't really discussed too much (just have a joint Pinterest board with some general ideas) b/c BF is only 13 weeks.

I am really excited about this because I didn't get to be involved in BF's wedding shower (I lived in AZ at the time and she lives in Pittsburgh). Also, BF's mom and sister tend to do things sort of tacky... BF has already asked me to make sure this is a "classier" event.

So my issue is that I live in Philly now which is about a 5 hour drive from Pittsburgh. We haven't discussed dates yet, but really the latest I would feel comfortable driving that distance in around 34 weeks or so (the beginning of July). That would put BF at 29 weeks. My problem is I don't want to be pushy and be like, "Well, we have to do it before this date or I can't be involved." We need to set a date soon but I just don't know how to approach the subject without making it about me. If that is too early for them/her I do not want them to plan the shower around what is convenient for me! I just want to help if I'm able.

 So my question is, how would you approach this? I just don't want to come off pushy or that they have to work around my pregnancy. Also, who would you bring it up to, BF or her mom and sister?

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