3rd Trimester

Multiple doctors at practice

So my practice has 3 drs.  I predominantly see one, but have to see all of them bc who ever is on call delivers.  Last week Dr. P told me that she did not see me making it to my due date bc baby was 6lb 4 oz.  She recommended I go out of work 3/8 (due date 3/25.  I asked her if 3/13 would work because I'm a teacher and parent teacher conferences were 3/12.  So she wrote me a note.  I told my ap but said I would only give her the note if she needed it bc I DID in fact go early.  Now today Dr. B said that he does not see me going early at all.  And to work until I can.  (Which I was going to do any way)  I'm just a little frustrated bc I moved half my conferences up to this week so I will be staying after school every day (I commute 45 minutes each way) AND my AP decided that she needed to get in a  formal observation before my maternity leave (She was going to do it next week).  Because of all the changes, I have SOOOOO much work to do!  I know in the end that I will just be thankful it's all over (school stuff) sooner.  But right now. I'm so tired and overwhelmed!  An to boot...my mom is insisting that I go to wake for a family member (her brother's, wife's mother) who I have not seen in 15 years!!!!!  I don't even know this woman's last name!!!  Sorry  I guess I just needed to vent.  My initial purpose for posting was to ask if any one's doctors seemed to say two different things as well.  :(
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