August 2013 Moms

14 more days...

til my 20 week U/S and finding out the gender!! (LO willing, that is) I'm so desperate to start making the bedroom set, but I need to know if we'll be doing butterflies or guitars. (especially since I only have little more than 3 months or so to get it all made!)

So all i can think about is when my brother went to find out the gender.. they couldn't get a good view so the U/S tech wasn't sure.. my nephew had one hand in his mouth and the other on his *manhood*. Of course all my brother could say was "that's my boy"- it was a pretty obvious that he was a boy even though they didn't see for sure that visit. LOL

What are you having? Anyone have problems getting a good view? Also, anyone use the chinese gender chart? (it was right for all my SILs kids, so i can help but wonder if i'm having a boy!)
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