August 2013 Moms

how long will you take for leave?

I'm in my first year in a district as a teacher (7th yr teaching though.) Since I'm new in this school, I am untenured. I also will not qualify for FMLA since when I deliver, it will not have been a year.

That being said, everyone I work with has been fantastic. I do think my position will exist when I get back from an unpaid leave.

How long are you taking? I'm a music teacher, so part of me wants to wait until after concerts are done in DEcember so the sub can finish the whole unit.

Or should I go back after 8 weeks (so early october) so all the progress I made this year doesn't disappear.  Am I even going to care that much with a baby at home?

It's so hard to say what Ill be feeling then. What are your plans for leave...and why if you feel like explaining:) 

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