Dads & Dads-to-be

A Crazy 36 Hours....

So my wife came home yesterday to tell me she had some spotting. It was bright red when she wiped and stopped as soon as it started. We started to freak after our previous experience. A few hours later it returned, this time dark brown.

Back in December, this is how the miscarriage started.

So we called the nurse line and they set us up to come in first thing today for a blood draw to make sure the hcg level was over 2000 so an ultrasound would be useful. It came back in the 7k's. At first we were told no - there were no ultrasound slots today, but we were persistent and finally got one.

Turned out all is well. We got to see the heartbeat - 115 beats per minute, and were surprised to learn we are a week behind where we thought we were. Using her last period we expected to be at 7W2D, but in fact we are around 6W. They thought it had something to do with the previous miscarriage.

We go back again next Wed to try again and get a due date - then first OB the next day.

This was the first time we actually got to see something on the ultrasound - last time the baby was 2 weeks deceased before we had one. Amazing moment - just wish the 36 hours leading up to it had been a little less stressful.

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