August 2013 Moms

Would You Do It?

Starting to think about decorating baby's room and I have a dilemma. 

We want to re- paint the room and have had it priced, but because of all the earthquakes repairs and demands for tradesman here, painters are charging a premium and it was going to be really expensive. 

So, despite thinking I would never paint the room while pregnant, I am now considering it. The room has an outside door I can open, as well as the internal door, and I would try to find a low toxin paint. 

I really need to decide what to do before I get too big to do it myself.

Would you do it?

PS: My husband is the most wonderful man but he is AWFUL at painting, so he's a no go for helping me. Somehow I ended up the better painter in our house.  

TTC Since March 2010 - 2 angel babies - BFP December 12 EDD 12 Aug 13 Lilypie Maternity tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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