Pregnant after IF

FMLA gripes

I applied for FMLA so I wouldn't have to worry about using any of my 5 call outs for the year-oh yes, we get 5 for an entire year! Anyway, I was told today that since IVF is considered an elective procedure, and since we have MFI and there is nothing wrong with me, that I don't qualify. The woman on the phone said, "Well, there isn't a problem with you getting pregnant, it's a problem with your husband." I asked her if they suggest I get a new husband? How frustrating.

Now that I'm pregnant, I was able to submit a new claim, but still I find it infuriating that this is considered "elective." I'm sorry, but last time I checked, it's elective to BD and get pregnant, infertile or not! There is something seriously wrong with our country!

Thanks for listening ;)

TTC #1 since 01/2011 Me: MTHFR C677t homozygous (on lovenox) DH: MFI (poor morph, counts, motility) Natural BFP #1: 05/2011, M/C @ 5 weeks RE consult 12/2011 01/2012 IUI cancelled d/t low sperm counts DH: 3 months clomid 02/2012-05/2012 NO improvement in SA 05/2012: IUI #1 with only 2 million post-wash...BFN 06/2012: IUI #2 100mg/50mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI 6 mil/4mil post-wash...BFN 07/2012: IUI #3 150/100mg Clomid for me, 2 Follies, B2B IUI...BFN 02/2013: IVF#1 23follies/19mature/9fert with ICSI/2 A grade embies trans day5/4 B grade embies frozen. First beta 10dp5dt 2/26=529! 2nd Beta 12dp5dt 2/28=1253 :) Praying for healthy and happy baby (or babies!) PAIF/SAIF welcome! IAmPregnant Ticker
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