August 2013 Moms

Gender Suspense is KILLING us...Should I???....


I'm due in late August (08/22/13), and my husband and I thoughts are SO consumed with what will it be???  The suspense and the wait is nerve wrecking.  It consumes my thoughts all day, and i'm having dreams about it at night.

My scheduled sonogram is for March 25th, but we don't think we can make it that long.  We're considering going to one of the 3d/4d ultra sound places to find out the gender NOW!  Are we crazy??  Should we just be paitent and wait??  Has anyone else took this matter in their own hands and found out earlier??  Let me know your thoughts.  Thanks ladies!! and I hope everyones pregnacy is going well Big Smile

*****more to say*****

Thank you all for the input. It's nice to see the different opions. My husband and I currently have two boys, and we're just REALLY hoping for a healthy baby girl this go around.  I think that's why it's consuming us.  We've done all the "old wives' tales thingy's to pass time (about 90% of them point to GIRL).  So, we're just eager to know. I don't think it would be as bad if I wasn't dreaming about it at night too!! **geesh***.  I wasn't this impatient with my boys.  Either way, I know we're going to love this baby to peices, and whatever we get is what God intended us to have. But...idk, this time around just seems tough.  We do, have the money to do it, but I just don't want to spend it on a "whem" cause I can't hold my horses!!..LOL

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