3rd Trimester

one artery "clotted" in uc?

At our growth ultrasound today, baby girl looked great, and is estimated to be a BIG baby (tech said she is estimated at 7lbs already, and I'm only 34 weeks).

However, despite baby looking good, the tech did see a complication with the umbillical cord. Apparently out of the two arteries, one has "clotted down", so now I'm left with one artery and the vein. This is associated with an increased risk of stillbirth in the last month, so now at 36 weeks I have to go for stress tests every week, and monitor baby's movements.

Anyone else have this? I'm trying not to freak out, but that "s" word is terrifying.

carrie ~ me-at-carrie.cc ~ 4/21/2007
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