3rd Trimester

Ultrasound sched -- excessive fetal growth

At my appointment on Friday, for the first time my doctor actually got to feel my bbabies limbs (he or she tends to hang out towards my back and has been that way at every appointment until this one)... and immediately started saying "omg... wow... and asked me if I was okay." BEGIN PANIC MODE?!

Turns out... she thinks my baby is very large and I am carrying very small. An ultrasound was scheduled for the 15th to get a better look. She said if it's on track to be 9-10 pounds, she's going to recommend at C-section around 38 weeks... or, if it's just fluid, she said we may want to consider an induction around the same time... I am of course now freaking out and March 15 feels so far away before I can get some answers!

I am not a tiny person... I am extremely fit, about 5'7", and weight around 140-145 not pregnant and do not see why a 9 lb baby is "too big" for me. I of course, like most, do not want an ultrasound, but will do whatever is best for baby...

Anyone have this happen to them? Advice? Experience? After we talked about it for about 60 seconds (and she partially blamed me for being so "tight" and "carrying so well" as the reason she could not tell it was big) and I was rushed out of the doctors office (another issue altogether), head spinning...  

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