3rd Trimester

Super uncomfortable!!!

So this past weekend was a rough one for me!  Not only am I having an extremely difficult time getting comfortable to go to sleep but I feel like I can't breathe :( let me explain both a little...... I just really need to vent lol!

Sleeping - I am only comfortable sleeping on my right side..... If I try my left I am facing my guy and can't breathe.  So to attempt to get comfortable i'm laying on my right side with a pillow under my belly and a pillow behind my back.  Problem with this is I wake up in the middle of the night with a really sore hip from all the pressure as well as a sore elbow (i'm assuming from it being squished up and bent under my head).  Not to mention the 500 times a night that I get up to use the bathroom :( I know this is something that we are all going through, i'm just not sure how much more I can take!

 Breathing - So this is a somewhat new problem i've been having and honestly i'm not even sure it is "breathing" really??? So getting up to do anything.... Walkl to the bathroom, standing and opening a loaf of bread, walking from my car to the store etc...... I get this extremely uncomfortable feeling like I can't breathe?? Except it isn't only my breathing I can feel it in my legs, arms etc.  Like it is literaly taking me every ounce of my being just to accomplish these simple tasks?  Does anyone else have this problem?

 Thanks for listening!!!

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