Pregnant after IF

He is here!

I woke up at 3:30am with terrible hip and butt pain. After an hour of realizing it had a pattern, I paged the OB. He guessed it wasn't real labor yet because I wasn't feeling my stomach get hard, but that if it got truly horrible, to come in and they'd see what they could do. It got awful.SO AWFUL. We went to the hospital around 5:30 am and I was really in pain. Turned out I was 7cm! Spent about 90 min dealing with every 3 min contractions while they tried to hydrate me and prep me for the epi. I asked for drugs about a thousand times. ;) getting it in was super easy, and within 30 seconds I was human again. Epi went in at 7, I rested, started pushing at 10. After 2 hours his heart rate was slowing with the pushing/contractions so they decided to use the vacuum. 2 pushes later and be was out! I did get a 3rd degree tear because of the way he popped out at the end all of a sudden, so I've had meds and lots of ice. :) We got him to eat for awhile in the afternoon, but he's been lazy and sleepy since then.


He is worth the whole journey! I can't wait for you all to experience it too. Hugs! 

Married Since June 2008, TTC Since July 2009
M/c and D&C Mar 2011 at 9.5 weeks, Chemical/MC Jan 2012
2 IUI's with BFN
IVF June 2012 - 8R, 0F, Rescue ICSI gave us a 3dt of 2 (6 cell, 9+ cell), Beta #1: 70, Beta #2: 336, Beta #3: 1188
7/10/12: 1st u/s, 7/20/12: 2nd u/s w/ heartbeat at 7w0d
EDD: 3/8/12
Everyone Welcome! :)
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