August 2013 Moms

Advice NBR

I could use some advice here ladies. DH has 2 other daughters from a previous marriage. He has a court order that says he gets his daughters during the summer. Not really a big deal. His ex lives in Kansas still so they have to meet halfway also normally wouldn't be a big deal. But since I am pregnant and I am due the first week of August DH let her know that because of both my high risk conditions he could come het them nonproblem but was uncomfortable leaving me here to bring the girls back. He asked if she might drive to get them and he would take care of half the travel costs OR put them on a plane to fly them and they both pay half. She doesn't want to do that because she doesn't want to drive with her youngest child. I really don't want to be selfish and I want both parties to be ok but it seems like it always has to be her way. I don't think we are being unreasonable by asking for a compromise. He and I are afraid if something happens and I am in the house alone. My children will be at their dads for the summer. What if I have another bleed or I go into labor early which is entirely possible since I have a history of preterm labor. And then there is the worst case. If I have another bleed and I am put on total bed rest and he for sure can't make either trip. If it was her she would want him to bend to compromise but it seems like she Is only concerned with her best interests. We are both just really uncomfortable with me being here alone while he is gone so close to baby being here. It is very true that nothing could happen but it is the what if that bothers both of us. The hospital is over 30 min away and I don't know anyone here and everyone he knows is active duty. So what would you do?
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