Pregnant after IF


Hello ladies!  So I was over here the other day asking about BFP on HPTs and turns out we got ours on Saturday!  We are thrilled but we were told by our RE that we should be "cautiously optimistic" because my first beta was only 15. The nurse said that when it starts that low, the likelyhood for miscarriage is much higher but with all my medical stuff, my body has NEVER responded typically, so I'm hoping that's whats happening right now.  I have my second beta on Tuesday and we are praying like crazy that it was be higher and things will progress into a healthy pregnancy.  I'm oddly calm about the whole thing, which is so unusual for me, so I'm hoping that's a sign everything will work out.  Hopefully I'll be around for a while and will be getting to know all of you! H&H 9 months to all!
My Ovulation Chart
Me 30 H 32 * Married November 2012 * TTC since September 2012
Hx of Right Sided Heart Failure, Pulmonary Embolisms and Nephrotic Syndrome
Dx with Lupus May 2005 * Dx with PCOS Dec 2012
Referred to RE Dec 2012 * SA: Perfect! * CD3 BW: Normal * SIS: Good
Starting Feb 2013: Clomid 100mg + Ovidrel trigger = BFP!!!
EDD: 11/9/13
3/2/13 Beta # 1: 15 *Come on baby... Let's multiply!*
3/5/13 Beta # 2: 72
BabyFruit Ticker
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