3rd Trimester

I Can't Catch A Break!

Called the doctor yesterday because my contractions were three minutes apart and lasting 1 1/2 minutes apiece and were getting quite uncomfortable. This had been progressing all day so I felt like I should at least call. I was told to go to the hospital only to be told I was not progressing, even though the contractions were one minute apart at that point, and sent home with a prescription for Ambien. Since my false labor is so intense my new orders are to wait until I am in excruciating pain "like you see in the movies" before coming back in which has me terrified.

The good news is that they stirred things up in there with all the exams and I've been passing bloid and mucus since yesterday. But, I also feel like someone has beaten me in my back and abdomen with a crowbar and I can hardly stand or walk. Thank God for DH who has been taking care of things for the past month. He really has been too wonderful and I'm not sure I can ever thank him enough.

So, now I get to look forward to a screaming, cursing car ride to the hospital. So different from my first where my water broke and we hit up the drivethru on the way and watched movies during the first half of my labbor.
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