3rd Trimester

DH's theory of starting labor

So, last Monday night, DH and I did the BD.  Of course DH is proud of his "theory" (and thinks it's a sneaky way to get some).  Well, afterward I had severe lower back pain for 3.5 hours.  I drank water, I soaked in the tub and he finally made me call the "on-call" number at 1:30am.  The doc said, "Take Tylenol and stay off of your feet."  So I did.

Last night, DH decided it would be a fantastic idea to try again.  I was leery (read: scared) to try again after the pain from Monday night.  But,knowing that it could be weeks and weeks before it happens again, I decided to partake but made it happen in a different position than last time thinking that may have had something to do with it.

The result?  Horrible abdominal pain for hours.   Nothing timeable and nothing that came and went in waves.  Constant pain.  So, I took Tylenol (now that I no longer fear it) and was eventually able to sleep.

So, we're done with that theory.  That theory sucks in my book.

Has anyone else had this happen?  I'm going to discuss it with my doc tomorrow morning.  I don't think I've heard many ladies around here complaining about pain associated with sex like this.  I know I read sperm can start contractions but... the constant pain?  Holy crap.


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