3rd Trimester

for those wanting a med free birth

how are you dealing with ppl, if any, who are basically laughing at you saying "good luck"?? I told my Mom tonight that I want to try and get as far as I can without an epidural, but if I happen to want/need one, then that's fine too. She was like "haha good luck, you have no idea what labor is like"

well, duh, of course I don't -- which is why I said I was open to whatever happens. It's so frustrating when you're trying to stay positive and focused and someone like your Mom is telling you that it's not possible. I also told her things I was putting in my birth plan, such as the fact that I don't want the gas mask (personally, I hate the smell, and I hate things covering my nose) and once again she said "how can you say that when you have no idea if you will want it or not"

I really want to involve her in this, but she is so negative and thinks she knows all about labor & delivery. She knows about HER delivery, she doesn't know about everyone's delivery and I feel like times are different now than when she gave birth. She never had doulas and midwives around in her days (at least they weren't as popular/well known in my city here)

I guess I just need to not tell her anything anymore, eh? 

TTC since May 2012; BFP July 31st, 2012; EDD April 13th, 2013 BabyFruit Ticker BabyFetus Ticker Anniversary
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