August 2013 Moms

Birthday Cake at Hospital

Side vent: I think they should sell single slices of costco birthday cake for pregnant ladies. I want cake, but I only a piece. 

Also, I told DH when the baby is born I would like to have a cake at the hospital, because it is the baby's birthday. That way if/when the grandparents come to visit, they can have some cake too. If it is big enough, we could share with the nurses.

He thought my idea sounded weird. 


"How long till my soul gets it right? Can any human being ever reach the highest light? Except for Galileo, god rest his soul, king of night vision, king of insight." ~ Indigo Girls Anniversary
When you've been married this long, you need a ticker to remind you.

BFP 11/24/2012 with EDD 8/07/2013
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