3rd Trimester

MIL more anxious than me!

Now that I am 37 weeks, MIL seems to be more anxious about this baby coming soon than I am. She has called me several times asking if I am having any contractions or any other signs of labor. Her birthday is this coming Wednesday, and I am starting to get the feeling that she wants LO to be born either on her birthday or really close to it. Personally, I want him to "bake" a little longer, and I feel he may actually decide to hold on until April lol. I tried to tell her that just because I am *technically* "full-term" does not mean that I am going to go into labor right away. I know that there's a possibility that I could go into labor soon, but I am in no way trying to rush LO along.

I feel like she is going to call me every single day, no matter that I've told her she will know when I do go into labor. I mean, she is more than likely going to be the one watching DS while I am in the hospital anyway, so of course she is going to know! I just hope that she doesn't start giving "advice" on how to move things along... 

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