August 2013 Moms

Swing VS Bouncer

So, now that I've hit the second trimester, DH and I have been investigating more baby items. I've been lurking a LOT on TB, and reading, reading, reading! The other day we went to BRB to check out what our local store has in stock, and we saw a Graco swing. I believe it's called the "Duet Soothee Swing & Rocker"? Basically, it's a regular swing, with NB head support (removable), with an adjustable seat, music, etc, etc. BUT, it also has a removable seat to become a rocker/bouncer type of thing! The idea behind it, I assume, being that you won't have to move baby out of the swing to go from room to room. I thought it sounded super nifty, even though I plan on carrying baby in my sling most of the time.

Anywhos, I've read the reviews on the BRB website, but there are only 4, and the grammer & spelling is so bad in the bottom one that I immediately discredited it. (lol) Have any of you ladies looked more into this swing or one similar? Or any STM (+) out there HAVE this swing? What are some things you look for in this type of equipment?

FWIW - I know I don't NEED these things, I just want to be as prepared as possible for whatever baby will want/like. :) Thanks ladies!

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