3rd Trimester

Final Ultrasound

We just got back from our final ultrasound with our perinatologist. Baby boy is supposedly around 8 lbs already but I have my fingers crossed that they are off a bit there, LOL.

They were able to get a good look at his kidneys and now the doctor suspects he knows what has been causing the dilation. The left one, he suspects has a bulging renal pelvis which basically means that the middle structure of the kidney is not centered but instead bulges outward. The consensus there is that it's most likely just a structural thing that won't affect function after birth. The right kidney appears to maybe have a "double collecting system" meaning that instead of one ureter going from kidney to bladder there are two ureters. This is more concerning because it compromises fluid drainage and can lead to a higher chance of kidney infections. This is something that they would more than likely want to surgically correct at some point depending on what they see during the monitoring phase. Baby boy will get an ultrasound of his own after birth and an official diagnosis from a pediatric urologist.

Overall, nothing serious and he looks very healthy otherwise. The doctor said that he is free to make his appearance whenever he's ready!
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